About Us/Associate Member Scheme

Organisations which support AISLi ’ aims of promoting quality in language education in Europe and beyond are invited to apply for Associate Membership of AISLi.

Associate Members can attend all meetings, and are entitled to vote on most matters but not those relating to the AISLi Inspection Scheme from which they are exempt. They are asked to provide annual reports on their activities, which are posted on the AISLi website.

The categories of organisation which are eligible include:

• national cultural agencies
• national and international associations of schools with their own quality assurance schemes
• examination boards (special rules apply)
• university language departments
• publishers
• ministry of education institutions
• international associations involved in language education
• foundations or associations with groups of schools that are AISLi members.

In order to be considered for membership, prospective candidates are asked to complete an application (see below) in which they illustrate how their activities conform to the AISLi Charter for Associate Members.
There are also special criteria for examinations boards.

The application is considered by a steering group of five, made up of the Founder Chair (chair of the steering group), representatives of two current associate members and two accredited members. In the case of examination boards, the steering group may ask for an independent review of the applicant’s compliance with the special criteria applicable. The steering group then makes a recommendation to the Board, who vote on admission of the Associate Member concerned.


Associate Members: