AISLi represents a mark of excellence for the students who approach a language schools.Only schools that meet all the quality standards can be accredited and display the AISLi logo.
Our language schools have been carefully selected according to strict quality criteria such as their service quality, experience and competence.
AISLi Members’ schools ensure that care and attention to the study of languages are a top priority. To be part of the association the schools must demonstrate the professionalism and experience of the teaching staff and of the academic direction that must be qualified, experienced and attentive to the needs of their students.
Students are admitted to courses based on an accurate evaluation procedure and taking into account their specific needs. The facilities must be suitable for language learning and equipped with appropriate teaching materials. Progress in the study must be recorded and kept as a demonstration of a structured educational process.
The Ministry of Public Education has recognised the validity of the attendance certificates issued by AISLi for the purposes of educational credits.
AISLi Members’ schools also offer a series of extra-curricular activities to keep a high motivation in the study of languages.AISLi is a network of schools that allows the transfer of students to different locations.
The schools associated with AISLi therefore represent the opportunity of high-quality English education experience.In order to make this happen AISLI commits to meet or surpass globally-recognized benchmarks to assure the quality of English language education in Italy.
Therefore, when looking to study English, it is important for students to look at the existing credentials of the school where they want to take the course. We therefore advise students to ask the following questions when they evaluate a language school, so that they can be sure they have chosen an institution of quality and greater credibility:
-Is the school accredited?
-What’s the validity of the certifications that you offer?
-Do you offer external organisation certifications at the end of the course?
-Is there a director of studies?
-Can I talk to him/her about my needs?
-Are the teachers qualified and experienced?
-Do they enrol in professional updating educational courses?
-Are the courses organised according to the level and age of the participants?
-Do you observe the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)?
-What can I do at the end of the course?
-Do you offer a free and non-binding entry test?
-If the course has started, can I attend one or more trial lessons before registering?
-Is the contract clear and transparent?
-What happens if I can no longer attend the course?
-What happens if I have to move to another city?
-What services do you offer me beyond the lessons?
-Can I visit the school?
-Are classrooms, didactic equipment and resources appropriate for learning?
Only if the school is able to give adequate answers to these questions it will it be able to provide you with excellent language learning.